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Jamestown Community College is committed to assisting all members of our community in providing for their safety and security as they learn, work, and take advantage of the opportunities our campuses have to offer.
The campus safety office is located in the human resources suite in the Collegiate Center on the Jamestown Campus, located at 525 Falconer St., Jamestown, NY 147012. The campus safety and security director can be contacted at 716.338.1015 (office) or 716.490.0115 (cell).

Students’ and Employees’ Responsibilities

The cooperation and involvement of students and employees in a campus safety program is absolutely necessary. Students and employees must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and the security of their personal belongings by taking simple, common sense precautions. For example, although the campus is well-lighted, any student or employee, male or female, may feel more comfortable walking with a friend or contacting a member of the buildings and grounds department for an escort to their cars at night. Valuables should not be left where they can be seen in the vehicle, but should be locked in the trunk. Bicycles should be left in designated areas and locked. Students and employees should report any suspicious activity or unusual incident or individuals whom they feel do not belong on campus to the campus safety and security director as soon as possible.

Visitors on Campus

Visitors are welcome on campus and they are expected to abide by the same rules that apply to students. Action, including ejection from campus, may be taken against any and all persons who are present in or on college owned or used facilities for an improper purpose or purpose which, in the judgment of the college representative, is improper or interferes with or obstructs the functioning of the college or the normal processes or activities of the college. Children on campus must remain under the direct supervision of their parents or guardians. Any unsupervised or disruptive children may be detained by a college representative. The child’s parents will be contacted immediately and the child may be asked to leave the campus.

Safety and Security Policies and Procedures

JCC offers an open campus experience within its facilities at all locations. Campus buildings are open from approximately 7 a.m.-10 p.m., during which JCC students, faculty, and employees have access to academic, recreational, and administrative facilities. The general public can attend cultural and recreational events on campus, as well as access the libraries. Many events are advertised for the public at large and athletic facilities are periodically open to the general public.
JCC does not employ a security force. Security services are provided through a joint effort between staff and faculty and coordinated by the campus safety and security director. The building and grounds department maintains college buildings and grounds with a concern for safety and security. They inspect campus facilities regularly, make prompt repairs affecting safety and security, and respond immediately to reports of potential safety and security problems.
Minor crime incidents are investigated by the campus safety and security director who follows up with local law enforcement as appropriate. Serious crime incidents and felonies are reported to the appropriate police department depending on campus or extension center location.
Weapons are prohibited on JCC campuses. Intentional use, possession, or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons on campus or college property by students and employees is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the college’s code of conduct.
The college has adopted a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on campus without the express approval of the vice president of administration.
Further information on JCC’s safety and security policies and procedures can be found at Information includes:

  • JCC’s Sexual Offense Policy Statement

  • Title IX of the Education Amendment Information

  • Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and

  • Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act

Incident Reporting

JCC’s incident reporting system provides a means for anyone who has witnessed, or knows about, a crime committed on campus to anonymously report incidents. The system, which can be accessed at from any computer or smart device, provides users an electronic option to report a wide variety of concerns or issues including crime, safety, and security issues. Once a report is submitted it is forwarded to the appropriate office for follow-up.
Crimes in progress or emergencies should be reported to 911. Safety and security incidents as well as past-tense crimes can be reported online or in person during business hours directly to the campus safety and security director by calling 716.338.1015 or 716.490.0115. During evenings and weekends, incidents should be reported to the buildings and grounds department (Jamestown Campus, 716.490.0415; North County Center, 716.490.0477; and Cattaraugus County Campus, 716.490.0416).

JCC’s Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

The JCC behavioral intervention team is comprised of a JCC faculty, staff, and administrators. They meet biweekly to discuss behavioral incidents and concerns occurring on campus; to discuss, plan, and implement intervention strategies; and consult with the vice president of student affairs regarding students who are at risk of concern. To respect confidentiality, meetings are closed to the college community. Members come to the team with experience in managing health, behavior, and safety aspects of the college experience and may therefore spot trends and set up early intervention services as they evaluate behaviors from a variety of college perspectives.

JCC Alert

JCC utilizes JCC Alert for emergency notification. JCC Alert enables JCC to provide a safer environment, enhance emergency preparedness, and keep our faculty, staff, and students better informed. Students, full-time faculty and staff, and others who have a JCC e-mail receive emergency alerts from JCC via text messages, e-mail, and voice notification.
Three types of messages are sent using JCC Alert: 1) messages sent to test that the system is functioning properly will be clearly identified as test messages. These test messages are sent out approximately twice a year. 2) Actual alerts about campus emergencies, closures, or delayed openings. 3) Important communications from the college.
JCC also uses other means of communication for emergency notification. Messages will appear on the JCC website and JCC Facebook page, as well as regional media outlets.

Blue Light Phones

JCC has strategically placed emergency blue light phones on campuses for use in the event of an emergency on campus when a person is unable to get to a phone. The blue light phones are a direct link to 911 operators who can dispatch the necessary emergency services required based on the information provided by the caller.

Tobacco-Free Policy

JCC joined a movement across the nation for college and university campuses to move toward being tobacco-free, which is in line with requests from the New York state commissioner of health and the State University of New York chancellor to promote all SUNY schools as tobacco-free.
As part of its commitment to healthy lifestyles, respect, and well-being, JCC became tobacco-free on August 1, 2014. After a thoughtful decision-making process among members of the JCC community and based on well-documented evidence that use of tobacco products poses significant health risks and that there is no safe level of secondhand smoke, JCC made the decision to prohibit smoking and the use of chewing tobacco and other tobacco products on all campus-owned grounds, including parking lots and residence halls.
JCC embraces the opportunity to make its environment the most respectful and healthiest for all students, employees, and visitors and offers smoking cessation information to those looking to quit.


JCC maintains a comprehensive list of chemicals on campus that can be accessed via MSDSonline (also known as Safety Data Sheets or SDS). MSDSonline is an online library of safety data sheets. Safety sheets contain information to keep JCC faculty, staff, and students safe from dangerous chemicals and other hazardous substances. Access MSDSonline at to obtain information on all chemical products used at JCC.

Campus Crime Statistics Disclosure

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is the landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act requiring colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. JCC complies with these regulations by providing information relating to crime statistics to all current students and employees. Prospective students and employees are notified of its existence and afforded an opportunity to request a copy. JCC’s crime statistics can also be accessed at
JCC’s campus safety and security director will provide, upon request, all campus crime statistics as reported to the U.S. Department of Education. Further details about campus safety and security can be obtained from JCC’s campus safety and security director or at