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These programs and services are an integral part of the total educational experience:

Academic Advisement

The basic purpose of academic advisement is to provide sound and accurate academic information that will further a student’s academic plan each semester. This is accomplished by assigning all full-time students an advisor in their academic area who will assist them with career planning, course selection, transfer college decision-making, and life goal setting. Part-time students are encouraged, but not required, to seek academic advisement.
Full- and part-time students meet periodically with advisors to review life and career goals, to assess movement toward these goals, and to discuss alternatives that will support goal acquisition.
It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to learn and know the graduation and program requirements for the degree being sought and to monitor progress toward fulfilling those requirements.
More details on academic advisement can be obtained through the Success Center or at

Learning Commons

The Learning Commons on the Jamestown and Cattaraugus campuses are academic spaces shared by accessibility services, learning centers, and the library. Located on 1st floor of the Hultquist Building in Jamestown and 1st floor of the library and Liberal Arts Center in Cattaraugus, the spaces are enhanced with technologies to support learning in a collaborative atmosphere, along with faculty and staff members who provide academic assistance:

Accessibility Services

JCC is dedicated to assisting qualified students with disabilities in earning grades that reflect their abilities and not their disabilities. The accessibility services offices are located in the college’s Learning Commons. Students should contact the accessibility services coordinator to inquire about and/or arrange accommodations.

Policy Statement for Students with Disabilities

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 state that qualified students with disabilities have the right to reasonable modifications in all on- and off-campus academic programs and services, as well as in student services in order to make a college education truly accessible. The philosophy of JCC is to do its utmost to maximize the educational opportunities of all its students. Thus, our policy regarding students with disabilities is a manifestation of our general approach to all students. We believe in treating students as individuals and in doing our best to meet individual needs.
To plan for necessary modifications and support services, students must contact the coordinator of accessibility services and provide documentation that verifies the existence of a disability and supports the need for accommodation. The accessibility services office can best meet the needs of students if requests for accommodations are made as soon as possible after the credit course schedule is published each semester. For those students who have a disability requiring services and/or equipment from outside the college, such as course materials in alternate media or sign language interpreters three months’ advance notice is strongly urged. All disability-related information will be treated confidentially.
Programs, or portions of programs with separate admissions policies (e.g. field placements), may have additional performance criteria for students to review prior to application. The nursing program’s Technical Standards for Nursing is published elsewhere in the catalog and at Skill sets expected of students in the OTA program can be found on the college website. Both programs require medical exams prior to field placement.
Both the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies require medical examinations, agility/ fitness exams, and psychological profiling prior to acceptance. Full admissions criteria for both academies are published elsewhere in the catalog.
When a student requests a modification which is beyond the scope of authority of the accessibility services coordinator to decide, the request will be decided upon by a committee appointed by the vice president of either academic affairs or student affairs. The procedure for filing such requests is available in the accessibility services office, through either the vice president of academic affairs or student affairs, and on JCC’s website.

Learning Centers

JCC Learning Centers offer complimentary coursework assistance to students. In addition to help with many academic subjects, students can receive personalized assistance with reading, writing, and study skills. Students seeking help can receive one-to-one tutoring from trained peer tutors or experienced faculty members. Tutors help students clarify course concepts, prepare for exams, brainstorm ideas, and improve writing assignments. Faculty assess student needs to help them improve their study skills, academic habits, and overall student performance. Services can be accessed in person on the Jamestown and Cattaraugus campuses and are available virtually to all JCC students. Course-specific study guides and other academic resources are also available. For more information, visit our website at

Library Services

The Hultquist Library on the Jamestown Campus and the Cattaraugus County Campus Library are dedicated to supporting the mission of JCC as a student-centered institution which embraces academic excellence and meets the evolving learning needs of the college and the greater community. As a central hub of academic life, the libraries provide facilities to support students’ academic needs including computer workstations, printers, group study rooms, and quiet work spaces. In addition, the libraries’ leisure seating areas are a place for quiet conversation and relaxation.
JCC’s libraries share a commitment to “acquire, produce, organize, and provide access to a collection of materials which reflect the needs of the college.” The libraries’ collections include over 90 databases containing more than 60,000 full-text periodicals (journals, magazines, and newspapers), as well as thousands of eBooks, multimedia content, and statistical resources. The libraries also maintain a small, but robust, collection of academically focused print books and periodicals to further support users’ information needs. Interlibrary loan services broaden the available resources by facilitating the borrowing of materials from other libraries, worldwide.
Reference librarians provide research assistance and support through a variety of means including, course-level instruction sessions, drop-in assistance, individual research appointments, and chat, email, and phone reference. LibGuides ( provide additional support with custom created subject, course, and assignment-level research guides. All library staff are available to provide technical assistance with the libraries’ computers, printers, and other technology.
To learn more about the JCC Libraries, visit your campus library in person, online at, or call 716.338.1008 for the Jamestown Campus, and 716.376.7517 for the Cattaraugus County Campus.

Success Centers

The Success Center on the Cattaraugus County and Jamestown campuses provide JCC students with a variety of counseling services. Particular emphasis is placed on issues related to student growth and development and educational, transfer, and career decisionmaking and planning. Personal counseling services are designed to support and assist students with issues impeding their academic success. Services include crisis intervention, brief solution-oriented counseling, and referrals to other agencies, services, or professionals as needed.
The centers have extensive information available to those who seek a greater awareness of career and educational opportunities. Career assessment and transfer information is available at Those interested in learning more about themselves may also take a variety of tests, including personality and vocational interest inventories.
The centers are also responsible for overseeing the Life Experience Credit Assessment Program. Students interested in life experience credit can get details through the Success Center on both campuses.
Community residents are encouraged to use the centers’ career and educational counseling and information services.

Career Services

Career Services offices are located on JCC’s Cattaraugus County and Jamestown campuses to help students explore and prepare for careers.
Career preparation services include developing a job search strategy; writing resumes and cover letters; creating LinkedIn profiles; preparing for interviews, obtaining information about job opportunities, and more. Career Services staff also coordinate career fairs, on-campus recruiting, and other events to facilitate connections and networking opportunities among employers, students, and alumni. All JCC students and alumni receive accounts in JCC’s exclusive job and internship database, where individuals can find local and national part-time, full-time, and seasonal jobs and internships, as well as on-campus student employment opportunities. Career development resources, podcasts, and event calendars are also available within the database.
The Career Services offices also facilitate applied learning experiences including local, national and international internships; job shadowing experiences, and workplace tours.
Internships allow students to apply learning from previous coursework in real world settings while pursuing learning objectives through both work and reflection.
Students who have completed at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better are eligible to apply for credit-bearing internships. Some internships have additional requirements. While some certificate and degree programs require internships, students in other programs may opt to complete an internship to gain valuable work experience or explore career options. A student must fulfill 45 hours of work for each credit awarded.
Each internship is based on learning objectives defined within a learning contract created jointly by the student, a faculty supervisor, and a host business or agency representative. Internships with nonprofit organizations are often described as service learning and are most often unpaid. Placements with for-profit organizations may be paid or unpaid.
Students should select applied learning experiences based on their transfer and career plans and discussion with their JCC academic advisors. Students who wish to arrange an applied learning experience should speak to a faculty member of a member of JCC’s Career Services staff.
For additional information, visit

Health Centers

JCC’s health centers provide the college community with services ranging from clinical evaluation and treatment to wellness information. Confidential services are provided by registered professional nurses. The centers also offer information on various health topics. Health counseling, immunization requirement and medication information, and medical referrals, are also provided.
Clinical services include first aid, physical examinations, blood pressure screening, tuberculosis skin testing, and physician ordered blood tests. Wellness services include flu vaccination clinics, smoking cessation, cholesterol, weight, and stress management plans, body composition analysis, and nutritional assessments.
The health centers are located in the Hamilton Collegiate Center on the Jamestown Campus and in College Center on the Cattaraugus County Campus.

Immunization Requirements

Two New York state public health laws currently affect college students. The first requires students to demonstrate proof of immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella. This law applies to all oncampus students born on or after January 1, 1957 who are enrolled for six or more credits.
The second law requires JCC to provide students with information about meningococcal meningitis and also requires the student to acknowledge receipt of this information and indicate his or her choice regarding vaccination. (Meningitis vaccination is not mandatory). This law affects all students taking six or more credits.
A student’s high school does not automatically forward these records to JCC. Failure to comply will result in a $25 fine and disenrollment from classes.

Student Information

Student Records and Registration

Students enrolling in credit courses have secure internet access to their individual student records at JCC’s selfservice Banner student information system provides online access for grades and transcripts, placement test scores, enrollment verification, registration, financial aid, student accounts, and personal records. In addition, students can track their program completion progress in DegreeWorks and access their JCC email account.
Currently, the items accessible by students includes: general student information (view/change address and phone number, e-mail address, directory profile, PIN, etc.); holds (library, immunization, academic, financial, FSA, accounts receivable); six-week grades and final grades; unofficial academic transcript; registration status and add/drop courses; online registration; degree evaluation and “what if” analysis (“What if I changed my major?”); student tuition and fees account; enrollment certifications via a link to the National Student Clearinghouse; and placement test scores.

Release of Student Information

JCC complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) by maintaining the confidentiality of all student educational records. JCC accords all the rights under the law, regardless of age, to individuals who are in attendance at the college and have educational records. No one outside the institution shall have access to, nor will the institution disclose any information from a student’s educational record without the consent of the student.
Within JCC, only those members acting in the student’s educational interest are allowed access to student educational records. These members include administrative personnel and faculty, within the limits of their need to know.
Additionally, FERPA does permit the release of directory type information without the written consent of students. JCC reserves the right to disclose, at its discretion, the following information: names, permanent address, e-mail address, enrollment status, dates of attendance, class, previous institution(s) attended, major field of study, awards, honors, degree(s) conferred (including dates), past and present participation in college activities, athlete height/weight, and photos. Students who wish the college to withhold such information must notify the registrar, in writing, prior to the start of each semester. Note: JCC considers students’ name and whether they are enrolled at the college as public information, essential to its operation. This, therefore, may be disclosed without restriction.
A copy of the FERPA document is on file in the registrar’s office and is available for review by students. Students who believe their privacy rights have been violated may file a complaint concerning alleged failure of the college to comply with the requirements of FERPA by contacting the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-5920.

Review of Student Records

FERPA provides students with the right to inspect and review information contained in their educational records; to challenge the contents of their educational records; to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory; and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files. Students wishing to review their educational records must make a written request to the appropriate dean listing the item or items of interest and following the process as outlined in the “Student Rights, Responsibilities, Regulations” appendix of the JCC Constitution of the Student Body.
Students may not inspect and review the following as outlined by law: financial information submitted by their parents; confidential letters and recommendations associated with admission; records of instructional and administrative personnel which are in sole possession of the maker; records of someone employed by the institution; and records of a person after they no longer attend JCC, i.e., alumni records.
Official records are kept by JCC for the time limits as designated by state and federal mandates. After that time, they are destroyed. The registrar’s record of a student’s academic performance is retained permanently.

Student Affairs Committee

The StudentAffairs Committee, comprised of JCC staff, faculty, and students, acts as an advisory board to the vice president of student affairs on matters related to the student affairs division, student governance, campus life, and student welfare. The committee’s functions include interpretation and effective communication of college policy, procedure, and practice as they pertain to students as well as to act as a conduit between student governance and administration in matters of student concern. The committee strives to increase connections between student resources across campus and works in conjunction with other standing committees to provide seamless resources and programs. Responsibilities of the StudentAffairs Committee include, but are not limited to the following: annual selection of the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence nominees; review and update of the student constitution a minimum of every three years; and forming judicial appeal panels as needed and requested.

Transfer Advisement

Transfer agreements are available to assist students with transferring to selected transfer schools. Faculty advisors will assist students in planning academic programs at JCC which conform to the requirements of transfer institutions.
Transfer agreements and course equivalent information is available at
Students may send transcripts to the colleges or universities of their choice by visiting Some holds on student records may prohibit the release of transcripts. When necessary, faculty write letters of recommendation for qualified students.
Success Center staff on the Cattaraugus County and Jamestown campuses are available to discuss transfer alternatives.

Veterans Affairs

The veterans affairs coordinator assists veterans with questions concerning the application process. The coordinator processes enrollment certifications through the veterans affairs regional processing center. Assistance is also given to children, spouses, and survivors of veterans whose death or permanent disabilities were service connected. The veterans affairs coordinator is the liaison between the regional veterans affairs office and the veteran when various situations or policies need clarification. The coordinator’s office is located in the financial aid office on the Cattaraugus County Campus and in the registrar’s office on the Jamestown Campus.